February 22, 2024
Action Termite & Pest Control
Attn: Jim & Melanie Rutherford
91 W. Hoague Rd.
Freesoil, Ml 49411
Dear Jim and Melanie,
I wanted to send you both a brief note to say thank you to both of you, to your amazing staff and to all your incredible customers at Action WDI. Over the past 7 years, you all have been huge supporters of the Folds of Honor Foundation. Many years ago, you and Melanie played in a golf tournament that I started at Manistee National that supported Folds. We raised a little bit of money and over a couple years were able to fund a full scholarship for a well deserving military family somewhere in the state that you and I will likely never meet.
From those humble beginnings raising $5,000 over a few years, your personal and professional involvement has grown to an amazing level in your support of the Folds of Honor Mission. As a veteran of the US Navy, I know this mission of raising funds for educational scholarships that are provided to the families of our wounded and fallen US Military Service Members hit close to home.
You came to me with an idea to involve your customers in a raffle style fundraising activity. With this idea you felt you could do two things: Raise more money and at the same time expose The Folds of Honor Foundation to many more in the northern Michigan area where your business resides. To think that it has been 7 years already and your incredible customers have helped raise over $75,000 is amazing.
As a stepfather to two wonderful children who are both Folds of Honor Scholarship recipients, I am very thankful to you all. Now adults, their dad, 1st Lt. Jeff Davis was killed while serving in the US Army in 1998. Folds not only provided them with scholarships as they attended Michigan State and Ferris State, but it provided them with a wonderful network of similar families they could speak with and learn from: other Gold Star Families.
Now as the General Manager of American Dunes Golf Club in Grand Haven, the birthplace of The Folds of Honor, I want you to know that our daily mission is to do what you have done over these past 7 years: To spread the word and raise funds for these heroic families all over Michigan and the Nation. The efforts of your team at Action WDI and your awesome customers and friends is making a difference.
Since its inception in 2007, Folds has provided over 51,000 scholarships to our military and now our 1st responder families. The need is still there as many requests still go unfunded.
A huge and very sincere thank you again from our family to your team and customers!
Eric Johnson
1st Prize
$1000.00 Gift Card Winner
from Onekama, MI
Diane Watts2nd Prize
$500.00 Gift Card Winner
from Fountain, MI
Lynn Boukamp3rd Prize
$500.00 Gift Card Winner
from Ludington, MI